2019.01 –至今,太阳成集团tyc9728教授
2016.01 – 2018.12,太阳成集团tyc9728副教授
2015.01 – 2015.12,太阳成集团tyc9728讲师
2013.01 – 2014.12,香港大学博士后
[1]. Ni, J., Xu, Y., Shi, J., Li, J., 2024. Product innovation in a supply chain with information asymmetry: Is more private information always worse? European Journal of Operational Research 314, 229-240. (外文A级, SCI, ABS四星)
[2]. Hu, Y., Ni, J.*, 2024. A deep learning-based financial hedging approach for the effective management of commodity risks. Journal of Futures Markets, DOI: 10.1002/fut.22497. (外文A级, SSCI, ABS三星)
[3]. Huang, X., Xu, Y., Ni, J.*, 2024. Operational decisions of public firms and feedback mechanism from stock market. Economics Letters, 238, 111696. (外文B级, SSCI, ABS三星)
[4]. Ni, J., Cao, X., Zhou, W., Li, J., 2023. Customer concentration and financing constraints. Journal of Corporate Finance 82, 102432. (外文A级, SSCI, ABS四星)
[5]. Cao, X., Ni, J., Wang, F., Xu, Y., 2023. Does customer concentration affect corporate risk-taking? Evidence from China. Finance Research Letters 58, 104297. (外文B级, SSCI, ABS二星)
[6]. Ni, J., Hu, Y., Zhong, R. Y. 2022. A hybrid machine learning method for procurement risk assessment of non-ferrous metals for manufacturing firms. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing. 35, 10-11. (外文B级, SCI, ABS二星)
[7]. Ni, J., Xu, Y., Li. Z., Zhao, J. 2022. Copper price movement prediction using recurrent neural networks and ensemble averaging. Soft Computing, 26, 8145-8161. (外文B级, SCI)
[8]. Ni, J., Zhao, J., Chu, L. K., 2021. Supply contracting and process innovation in a dynamic supply chain with information asymmetry. European Journal of Operational Research, 288, 552-562. (外文A级, SCI, ABS四星)
[9]. Zhao, J., Ni, J.*, 2021. A dynamic analysis of corporate investments and emission tax policy in an oligopoly market with network externality. Operations Research Letters, 49, 81-83. (外文B级, SCI, ABS二星)
[10]. Ni, J., Huang, H., Wang, P., Zhou, W., 2020. Capacity investment and green R&D in a dynamic oligopoly in the presence of potential shift in environmental damage. Economic Modelling. 88, 312-319. (外文B级, SSCI, ABS二星)
[11]. Ni, J., Li, S., 2018. When better quality or higher goodwill can result in lower product price: a dynamic analysis. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 1-11. (外文B级, SCI/SSCI, ABS三星)
[12]. Li, Z., Ni, J.*, 2018. Dynamic product innovation and production decisions under quality authorization. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 116, 13-21. (外文B级, SCI, ABS二星)
[13]. Ni, J., Chu, L. K., Li, S., 2017. Financial hedging and competitive strategy for value-maximizing firms under quantity competition. Annals of Operations Research, 1, 1-17. (外文A级, SCI, ABS三星)
[14]. Ni, J., Chu, L. K., Li, Q., 2017. Capacity decisions with debt financing: The effects of agency problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 261, 1158-1169. (外文A级, SCI, ABS四星)
[15]. Ni, J., Chu, L. K., Yen, B. P. C., 2016. Coordinating operational policy with financial hedging for risk-averse firms. Omega, 59, 279-289. (外文A级, SCI/SSCI, ABS三星)
[16]. Li, S., Ni, J.*, 2016. A dynamic analysis of investment in process and product innovation with learning-by-doing. Economics Letters, 145, 104-108. (外文B级, SSCI, ABS三星)
[17]. Ni, J., Chu, L.K., Wu, F., Sculli, D., Shi, Y., 2012. A Multi-stage Financial Hedging Approach for the procurement of manufacturing materials. European Journal of Operational Research, 221(2): 424-431. (外文A级, SCI, ABS四星)
担任European Journal of Operational Research、Journal of Futures Markets、Economics Letters、Energy Economics、Economic Modelling、Transportation Research Part E、Journal of the Operational Research Society、Finance Research Letters等国际学术期刊匿名审稿人。