This course is an introduction to the financial economics of a corporation.Students study the following broad questions. How should a firm decide whether to invest in a new project? How much debt and equity should a firm use to finance its activities? How should a firm pay its investors? How do taxes affect a firm’s investment and financing decisions? What determines the value of a firm? The emphasis throughout the course is on the economic principles that underlie answers to these questions.
Week 1: Introduction
1. What is the Corporate Finance?
2. What is the goal of a corporation?
Week 2: Introduction of Investment Decisions
1. Time Value of Money
1.1 Simple Interests versus Compound Interests
1.2 Basic Time Value of Money
1.3 Advanced Time Value of Money
1.4 Using Spreadsheet
1.5 Using Financial Calculator
2. The Application of Time Value of Money
2.1 The Law of One Price
2.2 Bond Pricing
2.3 Stock Pricing
2.4 Using Spreadsheet
2.5 Using Financial Calculator
Week 3: Methods of Investment Decisions
1. Investment Critiria
1.1 Net Present Value (NPV)
1.2 Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
1.3 Other Methods
1.4 Using Spreadsheet
1.5 Using Financial Calculator
2. Some Special Cases
2.1 Projects with Unequal Life Spans
2.2 Using Spreadsheet
2.3 Loan Amortization
Week 4: Applications of Investment Decisions
1. Identifying and Estimating a Project's Cash Flows
1.1 Cash Flow Estimation Principles
1.2 Identifying a Project's Relevant Cash Flows
1.3 Estimating Free Cash Flows
2. Estimating the Cost of Capital
Week 5: Theory of Financing Decisions I
1. The Introduction of Capital Structure Problems
2. Modigliani-Miller Theorem Without Taxes
3. Modigliani-Miller Theorem With Taxes
Week 6: Theory of Financing Decisions II
1. Financial Distress and the Trade-off Theory
2. Agency Problems and the Trade-off Theory
3. Information Asymmetry and the Pecking Order Theory
Week 7: Capital Budgeting and Valuation with Leverage
1. The Weighted Average Cost of Capital Method (WACC)
2. The Adjusted Present Value Method (APV)
3. The Flow-to-Equity Method (FTE)
4. Summary
Week 8: Allocation Decisions
1. Allocation Decisions in a Perfect Market
2. Allocation Decisions in an Imperfect Market
1.Corporate Finance: the Core, Johnathan Berk and Peter DeMarzo and , 4th Edition, Pearson Publication
2. Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, Stephen Ross, 11th Edition, McGraw-Hill Education
3. Finance for Executives: Managing for Value Creation,Gabriel Hawawini and Claude Viallet, 5th Edition, Cengage Learning